Cort Fritz


If one is an acquired taste, make sure you are giving out lots of free samples.

Wat Cort?

I was born in Germany, and was a toddler in Chicago. Cort on Swing

My dad put a swing in our living room on Webster street.

My parents became hippies and we fucked off to Mexico. Unruly Cort had great pants

This is my mom, her future lover, the unruly kids are me with the great pants, and Mike Brooks, who remains in Chicago and is a Designer, cartoonist, and awesome human

VW Bus with slogans painted on the sides

My dad and me, getting ready to inconspiculously smuggle Las Drogas across the border.

We ended up in Taos, New Mexico, which I identify as "where i am from". VW Bus with slogans painted on the sides

That's me, and in the background: my dad and a dude named "Guitar Dan".

I went to Pitzer college and majored in Science, Technology, and Society, which was basically Social Philosophy.

Linked In has the overview of my work since then

I make music (ableton workflow), and art pieces that are most often furniture.
paper lamp

hand-made paper from Hiromi, LEDs from amazon

I have three insanely amazing daughters.


I help people. I started the church of time.

life fulfillment is finite

You are born, you live, you die. Right now you have a cascading choice to seek fulfillment.

This site is Like the church of time, the concept of the distributed bet is a significant frame for how I think. I think if you want to see the matrix, see everything in distributions - normal, powerlaw, etc. Once I'm done with this interview, this site will slowly morph into a site that explains this in detail.

technology, in general

For software stacks, I'm enamored of elixir. I'm a part of the effort at Kry10 to avoid the security apocalypse.

For data, anything works but when I can I use NoSql. Yes, i know, "webscale"

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